In September of 2012, I started a pilot project in my own
community of Mercer Island, in Washington State. Here I am
creating, testing, and documenting singing events that foster
early learning, and specifically early literacy, while
building community and connecting children to their
communities. The goal is to create a national model any
school, library, family, or community can use- free of cost.
The work will be done. All you have to do is use it!
Thanks to the support I’ve received from local businesses,
schools, and organizations, it is working, and together we are
building that model!
Partnerships with Sing With Our Kids Project
If you live on Mercer Island, please support
these local businesses that have supported Sing With Our Kids
by holding singing events in their stores, and promoting
project events.


Our first Community Ring Around the
Rosy Event on Saturday September 29 was a huge success! Wonderful
families including grandparents and even a BIG dog. Scarves, and
parachute, and instruments and SINGING! It was everything I've
been envisioning for the project. Early learning through community
singing! It was great- thank you families!! |